About Me
I’m Neicole Crepeau
I’m Neicole Crepeau, an author of young adult books. I write about troubled teens who find themselves in circumstances dark, dangerous, and just plain weird. Appropriately, I craft my stories in gray and quirky Seattle.
My debut novel, Decoding Emma, will be released in Spring, 2020 from Parvus Press.

Still want to know more? OK.
I’m a serious geek. As a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut until I realized that, with my motion sickness, I’d puke all over the human centrifuge in astronaut training.
I have four kids: three boys and one girl. Two of them are boy-girl twins.
I also have two cats. I love cats. I could easily become a cat lady but I’m waiting until I get really old.
I like writing dark and meaningful tales. Somehow, the two seem to go together.
I dropped out of college. And I didn’t die. I didn’t fail career-wise. I even wrote a book and sold it.
I grew up in San Diego, the land of sunshine, but ended up living in Seattle, known for its clouds and rain. In between, I took a brief detour to Boston to pick up a husband. Right place, right time to find the man of my dreams.
I’m passionate about Me Too issues (before Me Too was even a thing), solving climate change, and LGBTQ rights, which I’ve promoted my whole life. All of which means, these days, I march with signs way too often.
I read a ton: young adult books and adult fiction and non-fiction. I like a lot of genres, but science fiction, literary, horror, and speculative fiction are my favorites.
I’m a political junkie. I canvass. I belong to political groups. It’s tiring, but the boulder doesn’t move unless you get a lot of people to push on it.
I’m a general media geek. I go to a lot of movies and I binge watch a lot of TV series. I also enjoy D&D (though I haven’t got a steady group, yet) and playing board games.
My name is French Canadian. My mom told me “Neicole” was the French spelling. Later I found out my Dad just through the “e” in after the “N” so that people wouldn’t call me Nicky. Nobody’s ever called me Nicky, but I don’t think the spelling has anything to do with it, Dad.
I believe today’s generation of college and high school-age kids are a powerful force that is going to fix the world—but I’m so sorry you got stuck with the job of doing it.