Neicole M. Crepeau
Blog and Updates
Decoding Emma is coming in 2020
I've been keeping this news close for a while. But now that my snazzy new website is live, it's time to publicly announce the news. I'M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! After writing three books and revising my YA science fiction more times than I care to mention, I've...
Teens: How to train your mansplaining teacher or counselor
A guide to training your mansplaining teacher or counselor.
A thank you for #PitchWars
For the last two months, I've been one of the lucky mentees in the #PitchWars contest. This is the third book I've submitted hoping to get in, and the first that made it. It's been an amazing experience that's allowed me to find a wonderful new friend in my mentor and...
Conduit is coming! From C.C. Dowling
When college senior Jane Lamb dies suddenly, she discovers that the afterlife is less pearly gates and fluffy clouds and more standing in line at the DMV. But before she can spend eternity lamenting over her short, unremarkable life, she’s offered a do-over—as a...
Guardian of Secrets: cover reveal
Cover reveal day! See the cover for Brenda Drake’s next book, Guardian of Secrets
Social justice: the path to change
What’s the path to change for social justice issues like #blacklivesmatter, #lgbtq, or #rapeculture? This infographic shows how a protest grows into a problem, that leads to real change.
Through the Veil on sale
Through the Veil The Aisling Chronicles Book One Colleen Halverson Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Entangled Date of Publication: February 22, 2016 ASIN: B01B1NC29Q Number of pages: 400 pages Word Count: 120K Cover Artist: Louisa Maggio Book Description: Where the...
Penelope Gilbert and the Children of Azure: new book alert!
This week, author Emily A. Steward released her book, Penelope Gilbert and the Children of Azure. When 13 year-old Penelope Gilbert accidentally transforms into a stapler during math class, she’s sure she’s going crazy. But she’s not imagining the men in black suits...
“20 minutes of action” letter reversed: victim’s perspective
Let’s turn around the letter that Brock Turner’s dad wrote to the court. Let’s see how Dan Turner’s letter might read if the rape victim’s father wrote almost the same words–but from her perspective. For the purpose of the letter, I’ve used the name “Annie” for the girl Brock victimized.

School the men—The lesson from Microsoft’s school girl incident
There’s a bigger lesson to learn from Microsoft’s dancing school girls incident. It’s time to school our men about sexism.
Decoding Emma is coming in 2020
I've been keeping this news close for a while. But now that my snazzy new website is live, it's time to publicly announce the news. I'M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! After writing three books and revising my YA science fiction more times than I care to mention, I've...
Teens: How to train your mansplaining teacher or counselor
A guide to training your mansplaining teacher or counselor.
A thank you for #PitchWars
For the last two months, I've been one of the lucky mentees in the #PitchWars contest. This is the third book I've submitted hoping to get in, and the first that made it. It's been an amazing experience that's allowed me to find a wonderful new friend in my mentor and...
Conduit is coming! From C.C. Dowling
When college senior Jane Lamb dies suddenly, she discovers that the afterlife is less pearly gates and fluffy clouds and more standing in line at the DMV. But before she can spend eternity lamenting over her short, unremarkable life, she’s offered a do-over—as a...
Guardian of Secrets: cover reveal
Cover reveal day! See the cover for Brenda Drake’s next book, Guardian of Secrets