Fiction writing articles

What to avoid in your first chapter

As both a freelance editor and an editor for a publishing company, I read a lot of first pages. By the end of the first chapter, I’ve probably formed my opinion on the manuscript. The more I evaluate first chapters, the more I notice issues that are fairly common in the manuscripts I read.

Atmospheric Pressure: Employing The Four Seasons To Enhance Atmosphere

Resonant writing paints a world of sights, sounds, and smells that evoke a mood we call atmosphere, and our four seasons—spring, summer, fall, winter—can direct said atmosphere in subtle yet powerful ways.

Layering Tension in Happyland

You have to get your character into a position where the bad thing—whatever it is—can happen, but until the bad thing happens, everything seems fine. How do you bring tension into scenes like that?

The Problem With Flash Forwards as an Opening Scene

I admit, I have a pet peeve with flash forwards. I’ve never seen them done well in books, movies, or TV shows, and they can even hurt my enjoyment of the story that follows.

Need a Writing Buddy? Find One Right Here!

If you’re interested both in finding someone to read and critique your own writing–and in offering your own beta-reading talents in return–then you’re in the right place.

I read a large number of blogs and sites every week and will be curating them here, on my blog. If you want to see my picks of the best articles each week, just subscribe below. You’ll get an email each weekend with a list of the fiction writing articles I found most interesting or useful.

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