Fiction writing articles

A Writer, A Character and A Reader: A Different Sort of Trilogy

“You must learn to be three people at once: writer, character, and reader.” Nancy Kress This meme is so true: in order to create quality prose we need to craft, project a unique character’s voice, and review our own work from the objective stance of a reader.

4 Ways to Write a Likable Protagonist at the Start of His Character Arc

Do you know what I struggle with more anything when it comes to character arcs? Creating a likable protagonist right from the get-go.

Hacking Your Reader’s Brain

What makes a novel a best seller? What makes it something readers careen through, staying up until three in the morning to finish? What causes readers to tell all their friends they haveto read a given novel?

Business of writing

What Code Is Revealing About Readers

There’s a brave new world in book publishing, and it’s being shaped by and around audience insights. Not only are publishers becoming more adept at using data to work smarter, but code and algorithms are also getting better at gathering information and executing tasks without the help of humans.

How a Book Becomes a Movie

Whether you’re curious about how the system works or want to educate yourself (and perhaps adjust expectations) should your book ever interest Hollywood, the process can be broken down into four different stages…

I read a large number of blogs and sites every week and will be curating them here, on my blog. If you want to see my picks of the best articles each week, just subscribe below. You’ll get an email each weekend with a list of the fiction writing articles I found most interesting or useful.

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